Galaroza is known for many reasons, but two stand out above the others: its orchards and its carpenters. The latter is an activity that has been transformed in recent decades, and as a result many of its centuries-old workshops had to be abandoned.
The main construction consists of masonry and rammed earth walls, with slabs of wooden beams and a sheet metal cover. It has unique construction details, such as the original stone floors. Its most distinctive feature is the spacious rooms of the workshop. The secondary building shares similar constructive characteristics. The bright and large rear corral is truely remarckable, it has a masonry wall on its border. This courtyard communicates with the public road through independent road access.
This house joins a series of unique projects carried out to highlight the possibilities of an intelligent renovation. In this particular case we have chosen to make use of the large open spaces to host another type of business. Here we have opted for a restaurant, but it could very well be other activities, such as offices, rural co-working space, craft workshop, hostel, spacious shop, painting or sculpting workshop, etc. Because of its dimensions, and the existence of a second building, commercial activity is compatible with the residential use. Both buildings can be enabled as spacious housing as well. In any case, the project would always benefit from a large corral that amplifies the charm of the place.
Comoran house has already found new owners, together we will take charge of the renovation of this property. If you are looking for something similar you can contact us by following this link,we will be happy to show you other properties.